Monday, November 21, 2005

I wrote myself a list of things to do on the internet, which read somthing like this:

  • email Holly for her address to apologise for not writing yet - also to see if she knows anything about extended essays
  • email every tutor I've ever had to find out what the hell to do about extended essays
  • find some way of contacting the linguistics department at Université de Lomé
  • email booking ref to STA travel to stop evil Alitalia man trying to screw me over
  • harrass STAESA for the $150 they owe me
  • reassure parents am still alive
  • ask the boy to bring Marmite and chocolate

I also had four missed calls this morning, and a text from the boy, so I feel very popular. Am still working as general admin bitch which is more useful and less traumatic than trying to give legal advice and went to a funky party on Friday. I am also currently using the best computer in the whole of Africa, rather excitingly, and it's also right by the door, giving a much needed breeze. Not quite sure how I'm going to cope with the climate in Burkina and Mali. It is very, very hot, with no wind at all. *fear* Otherwise I'm just being a geek - finished Germinal (something I've been trying to achieve for over a year now) and making occasional notes on diglossia in the hope that this will somehow lead on to getting onto that Linguistics and Development MA course at SOAS, should several thousand pounds just drop out of the sky to fund it. Actually really enjoyed Germinal - Karen Blixen was right: in Africa, you read books as the author intended them to be read.

Having shown off about my organised list-making I ought to go and cross some stuff off it. 'Waffle on blog' was not an item.

13 days, not that I'm counting.........

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