Monday, October 31, 2005

I'm living with someone from Timbuctu. Isn't that exciting.

I'm also living with her ex-boyfriend. This struck me as slightly odd too. I love the French. She is amazingly friendly and gave me Malian tea which made me hyper. He is a wry Frenchman with concomitant Gallic linguistic snobbery who is convinced the English eat boiled beef all the time. He makes coffee machines and I end up being his guinea pig. I may spend the next two weeks on a permanent caffeine high.

I just tried to look up 'concomitant' to check it means what I think it means and realised normal people have to pay for oedonline. May have to spend rest of life in full-time education.

They took me to a funky concert at the Centre Culturel Français and we had a barbecue and went to the beach and it's all lovely. And now I'm going home cos my time's about to run out.

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