Wednesday, October 12, 2005

I have somewhere to live. And this keyboard is evil so this will be a short entry. It has nice blue walls with no dodgy stains. My housemates cooked me pasta. It has an en suite bathroom! (Unfortunately the water has been turned off so it's really just a room in which to wash with a bucket - Wellers, please amend my hardcore rating on wholeworldofpain acordingly!) I am no longer living out of a backpack. I have an address you can send letters to. I have befriended a Frenchman who needs a haircut (his words, not mine) who bought me coffee and promised me a barbecue at his nice, new house when Nik comes out to stay. My housemate is coming to take me to a restaurant called Al Donald which looks a bit like McDonald's but nicer. I should be starting work soon and they all seemed lovely and clued-up there!

Africa is finally being nice to me.

Hamster x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to hear things are improving. And I will amend your profile accordingly right now :)