Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Email has been extremely annoying this morning. Hopefully I have now managed to get someone to book me a flight home from America in April. Also I have managed to email the boy. This shouldn't really have taken me three hours.

Still, I don't have much else to do. They're working on African time here. I know I shouldn't be annoyed they haven't found me a project, as that's just the way things work out here. That's why you have to bargain for everything. Any transaction needs contact between people, so you can both be sure you're getting the best possible deal from it. So, they couldn't have arranged a placement for me until they'd met me and talked to me about what I wanted to do. It all makes perfect sense. I'm just a bit bored.

Went to Kpalimé (small town about 2 hours north of Lomé) on Saturday night and it's NOT HUMID AND STICKY. I actually felt cool for the first time in two weeks. Had a few problems with a drunk and amorous housemate who insisted on showing me off to all his family. All a bit messy and horrid, but I managed to fend him off and since then he's been so apologetic and contrite that things are much better than before. He even went out for an hour last night, which gave me time to talk to the other guys, who are really nice. It's much easier to talk to people here than in Kenya, I think partly because I'm on my own, and partly because French is much more entrenched than English is there and people speak it much better.

Yesterday I met the Frenchman again and drank about 400 bottles of Coke. There really is nothing to do in Lomé, so we went on a sort of non-alcoholic pub crawl and wound up on the beach. We tried to go to the Lebanese car salesman's bar for lunch but it was closed on Mondays. This is how small Lomé is. That is why I am bored.

I just want to start work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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