Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Shiny, happy people holding champagne...


Time for a proper update I think, since I now have some time.

Well, finals were... finals happened. All my diligently colour-coordinated linguistics notes were utterly redundant as none of the papers had any questions on anything I knew about and I had to blag extensively. My supposedly best literature paper was rubbish, again no questions on anything I knew about, and it's easier to blag based on prelims/general knowledge of linguistics than it is when you haven't read any texts for a literature topic!! The three papers I had been most afeared of were actually the ones I felt went best - special authors, syntax and language essay. Though syntax would have been dire had Holly and I not learnt one side of lecture notes that was then expanded into the basis of an entire essay for both of us!! And I hope whoever marks my language essay is Belgian...

Anyway, after two weeks of exams, long cycle rides, sleep deprivation and patronising such fine establishments as Mamma Mia, the Dew Drop and the Summertown Wine Cafe on a regular basis, finals were over. Nik and Catherine gallantly trekked up north to meet me. Catherine brought some lovely flowers that smell gorgeous and made my room look pretty. Nik sprayed champagne in my eyes and I spent my first ten minutes of freedom hopping around outside M&S going 'Argh! Aaargh! I can't see!' Catherine went off to play squash with Mairi and Nik and I went to have lunch at the Oak (whose burgers are AMAZING) and we then all met up again in Chequers, Thomas arrived, I went to choir, I came home and collapsed in a sleepy heap and listened to the News Quiz and then dragged a posse of lovely people to the Grand Cafe for cheap cocktails. Hurrah.

I spent the weekend pottering. I like pottering. I made dinner for people on Saturday: chicken cacciatore (?sp), quite successful. I really want a Le Creuset casserole now. More than anything in the world. (I wanted one before, but I want one even more now I've borrowed Pete's.) My friends are heroic washer-uppers. Thank you! Sunday was Catherine's birthday and she was being flautatious for most of the day, but had a girly cream tea at the Rose and more cocktails at the Grand Cafe.

Incidentally, I thought I was doing so well not getting very worked up about finals. Since finishing, I realise that while I never had extreme moments of tension, I've been carrying around a residual level of tension for some time and I've been horribly antisocial and grumpy and not really been aware of it. Anyway, I'm very sorry and will now endeavour to be sunny and cheerful.

Last night was Schools Dinner and I was extremely cheerful, in large part thanks to the vast quantities of wine I consumed, and also because everyone's so lovely, all the other linguists, all our tutors. Lord, I'm getting soppy in my old age! But, meh, we all felt a bit soppy, and we got an email from Prof. Pearson this morning thanking us for our gifts (among which a pen with 'I [heart] Mallarme' on it!!) and I did have a bit of a cry. Also, never would have guessed in first year that I'd end up happily sitting with Mrs Williams discussing where babies come from!! And that was when I was relatively sober! There weren't too many questions about what on earth the void of the future will be filled with (everyone tactfully asked what we were doing 'in the summer') and Ruth very firmly told me that my woolly liberal desire to do something socially useful is 'not vague and not naive'. Hurrah! I extolled the virtues of facebook to Prof. Pearson and Ruth, thanked Charlie (the German tutor) 'for letting me in in the first place, even if I defected', went to Escape with Francois and stayed up till 4 a.m. eating cake and talking about god knows what. Apologies if I talked bollocks at anyone! And you're all a lovely bunch. I will make you another cake soon!

Hmm, maybe I should change my MSN from 'us linguists is working terrible hard' to something more appropriate.

I refer you to facebook for more photos!

Between now and the end of 9th week I am going to:
  • go to the History of Science museum
  • go to the Natural History/Pitt Rivers museum
  • go to Blenheim Palace
  • go to Minster Lovell
  • go for a couple of long walks in the Cotswolds
  • get some shoes for the ball
  • make more lists
  • read some more books FOR FUN and FOR THE PLOT
Anyone who wants to be included in any of the above (except the books one, cos I get territorial and solitary when reading) please contact me in some way!

I just filled in my vac res application form and had to write 'n/a' in the 'I would like to come into residence' section.

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