Monday, June 18, 2007

"Dignity is the one thing that can't be preserved in alcohol"

I'm supposed to be applying for jobs. Two admin jobs on the Reading Uni website finish this week and I would be more than happy to do either of them. Just put off by the scary form-filling. What's quite annoying is that I have actually been offered a job, but it's in Oxford, and it's teaching, so can't/won't do it.


When I'm prime minister, I would pass a law that all jobs are to be applied for by means of CV and covering letter only, none of these stupid 10-page forms.

In other news....
We have the house!! Hurrah!!

Went down on Friday to visit the only house left on our list (all the others had gone during the week) and both really liked it. Cue a weekend of nailbiting while we waited to hear if the landlord was happy to take us with a guarantor (in absentia job and salary) , but the agency called first thing today and said yes!!

It's so, so cool and I'm massively excited about it. It's a wee Victorian terrace, two-up two-down, with a funky wooden staircase and a kitchen at the back of the house (gas hob!!). It's really light and airy, fortunately there aren't any hideous carpets or curtains we have to put up with, and there's a long, thin garden (all patio) where we can have barbecues. It's unfurnished, which is a pain, esp as we have to find a fridge and a washing machine from somewhere, but various family members seem to be keen to push furniture off on us, so we'll probably get useful things (like a bed and a sofa) from Nik's mum, and a handful of old clocks and ornaments from my antique-collector of a grandfather. My dad has promised to buy me some pots as a moving-in present, so I can start growing herbs and vegetables and things. Hurrah. Have also acquired Gaby's slow cooker which I am extremely pleased about.

Had a lovely last few days. Incredibly washed out barbecue on Saturday, which saw me and Jo holding umbrellas over the barbecues while Nik heroically flipped burgers, and a bunch of incredibly damp people huddled in the boathouse. Inspired by the relative dryness of Sunday, I dragged Nik, Catherine, Rob and Mairi to Minster Lovell (on the suggestion, two years ago, of my mother) which was an incredibly cool ruined hall near Witney. Aside from getting rather lost and the unsuitably-clad Catherine stepping in a cowpat, it was a most successful expedition. I also have a new contender for 'oddest utterance ever':

"I'm not following you. I've got some crayfish in a bag and they're trying to escape. You see, my dog just learnt to swim today."

This was from a lady at Minster Lovell whose numerous tanned children were splashing around in the stream. I want to be the kind of cool parent who lets their kids do that kind of thing (though don't want to engage strangers in peculiar conversations).

I'll post some photos of the day out and the house tomorrow.

Today, Nik took various bits of paperwork to the estate agents en route to home, and I've been faffing about filling in job applications. Actually, I've filled in one (my target was three), though the other Reading one should be easier now I've done the boring bits of the form and only have to write the 'why I'm fab' bit. I always agonise over them, and then get into it right at the end and write something utterly preposterous and arse-licking. I have, however, started packing. My room is full of boxes and piles of things and I'm missing a teaspoon, a glass and a plate. Damn communal kitchens.

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