Monday, May 15, 2006

And gallantly, she chickened out...

Well. Total about-face regarding plans for immediate future.

I have been offered a job in Oxford over the summer. It's not ideal, but I have two more interviews for other summer school jobs, which may turn up something better, and even if they don't, this sounds fun and gives me the chance to: a) use my TEFL qualification, b) earn money, c) do something towards the vague general objective of getting a degree, and d) have fun. All things I'm not doing here, even though that was the initial plan. Truth be told, I'm not hugely happy, everything positive keeping me here largely involves seeing people from home, and if I'm not doing anything to make feeling like this worthwhile, well, I'm going to come home and meet my friends and my boyfriend out of finals, and take a job I will enjoy and that might be useful to me in the future (you can apply linguistics?), and start my project that I'm hugely excited about. So there.

And I don't care if you think I'm giving up just cos it's difficult, and you can sing the 'Brave Sir Robin' song from The Holy Grail at me all you want, but I have justified this decision as a Good Thing in the overarching scheme of my life and I will stick my fingers in my ears and hum loudly if anyone tries to change my mind.

Apologies go to anyone who wanted to come and use me as an excuse to stock up on Beaujolais.


Anonymous said...

It is a Good Thing. Well done. Hope to see you early in June, then ;)


Anonymous said...

oo would you be back to sing for the concert in 7th week?
Tho, as the music is quite, um, interesting, you might have more fun sipping wine and pointing and laughing.

Hurrah that the wee hamster is on its way home. We miss it.

Liv xx

Anonymous said...

Bravely Robin ran away, (No!)
Bravely ran away, away. (I didn't!)

When danger reared its ugly head,
he bravely turned his tail and fled. (No!)
Yes, brave Sir Robin turned about (I didn't)
And gallantly, he chickened out.

Bravely taking to his feet, (I never did!)
He beat a very brave retreat, (Oh, lie!)
Bravest of the brave, Sir Robin. (I never!)

N xx

Hamster said...

Shut up, you!

Anonymous said...

I Love You Too!

N xx