Monday, February 02, 2009


Up and doing rather earlier than usual this morning thanks to concerns that the snow would prevent me getting to the meeting I was meant to be minuting. They rang earlier and I get to stay in bed for a bit longer and do it over the phone. Hurrah for teleconferencing.

News stories I have been obsessively overanalsying are:

  • Childhood is harder now than when children had to work in factories or up chimneys and might have died of innumerable diseases. Wealth redistribution is too complicated and politically loaded, so we'll just have to blame women instead of trying to solve the problem.
  • The south-east can't do snow. Again. Nor can the internet. Not only are all the rail networks down, their websites are also overloaded by people trying to check whether the rail networks are down. John Humphrys was particularly amusing just after the 7.00 headlines: "Now, I wonder if we're going to get the usual complaints: 'a few flakes of snow in London and everything grinds to a halt and it's national news'. Let's have the impact on travel. We'll have the broad overview first. Actually, let's have the London report first, because that IS a problem."
*rolls eyes*

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