Sunday, February 01, 2009

No mushrooms this week =(

Well, judging from this week's veg box it looks like the menu for Friday might look something like this:

curried parsnip soup

Main course
something from the freezer with root veg mash/gratin and a.n. other green vegetable so as not to get scurvy

carrot cake

I wonder if I could whip up an exciting swede-based cocktail to begin with...

In other news, Nik has departed for ski-ing with much enthusiasm. If I didn't know better, I'd take it personally. I am feeling rather dejected, not because I'm incapable of entertaining myself without him (I have two series of The West Wing, three scheduled social events, an array of interesting books and the whole of the internet) but because I'm still a little funny about being in the house on my own since the burglary. Rationally, I realise this is silly (and, furthermore, it's impractical for future life and I should just get over it, so it's probably just as well that I haven't buggered off home for the week and am instead learning to be a normal person) but, well, meh...

I am currently occupying myself with gratuitous wedding-porn-viewing. Amusing results from googling 'spring weddings' include (but are not limited to):
  • pastels, pastels, pastels (bleurgh)
  • instead of rice or confetti, ask your guests to release butterflies (?!?!?!?!?!)
  • calling each table after a spring flower instead of numbering them.
and, my personal favourite:
  • dress your bridesmaids in yellow dresses and get them to carry Easter bunnies instead of bouquets (bleurgh)
Oh. Dear. Lord.


Gaelle 巧云 said...

What people have these wedding suggestions?! They should be shot

Hamster said...

Strange people. Strange, strange people.