Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not economics

I was (and still am, just not today) going to share with you some of my thoughts on, 'What I have learned recently about economics.' Not a lot, but I'm proud of it. However, this is my life atm (aside from the moping, and stress, and crying):
Today - get up 6.3o, go to London, yawn through meeting on energy stats, furiously make notes, come home, drink pot of coffee, type furiously, eat Chinese take-away, type furiously, reassure freelancer, small glass of wine to counteract coffee, small sleep.
Tomorrow - get up 5.30, go to computer, track down and shoot freelancer if he hasn't emailed me his transcript, proof-read, coffee, proof-read, breakfast, proof-read, coffee, reheat take-away for lunch, collapse into bed.

So yeah, a happy combination of extreme tiredness and need for accuracy and, hence, intoxicants.

In the meantime, an article which I first reacted to by rolling my eyes and saying, 'God, yeah it's soooo tough being young, rich and clever, isn't it?' but by the end I was thinking, 'Ohmigod, I've never achieved anything, why did I give up the violin, why haven't I taken singing lessons, I've never read Said's Orientalism, there is so much stuff I need to do, everyone expects me to do this stuff, I have to do it well!'

Which kinda proves the point.

I have a FUCKING FIRST FROM OXFORD! And know SHITLOADS MORE ABOUT ECONOMICS than I did six weeks ago! Someone please SLAP ME!


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