Monday, February 23, 2009

Yes, this post is about boobs...

A lot of the photos in the Bravissimo catalogue, it must be said, are rather twee, but I can't help feeling there's something deeply appealing about them nonetheless. So much underwear is advertised by pictures of women with heavy eye make-up, teetering on the boundary between 'sultry' and 'drugged', who are, quite clearly, sending us the message that we should wear this underwear because it will make us attractive to men and help us conform to some unrealistic idea of beauty. Somehow Bravissimo's marketing doesn't scream 'sex' at all, it just shows loads of women who look like they're having fun on the beach with their friends, or hanging out in their bras feeling fabulous about their bodies. As you do. Which is, paradoxically, much sexier.

And their pants are sexy without being annoying and uncomfortable. And I really want this dress. I could not buy it in purple, to go with the purple shoes I'm not going to buy.


Gaelle 巧云 said...

I support both of those purchases and think that purple shoes are a lot more versatile than people think.

Hamster said...

Yeah, but together that would be 1/55th of a masters. I get to buy nothing fun until I'm 26! Yay!