Friday, February 27, 2009


Oh dear lord, I am SO TIRED. I had been having difficulty sleeping again, but that appears to have lifted for the time being (*hammers forcefully on wooden table*) and now the accumulated sleep debt of 24 1/2 years appears to have hit me all at once. I have been in bed by 10 every night this week and asleep usually by midnight and habitually woken up about 10 minutes before I'm meant to start work. And I'm still constantly tired. Argh.

Meanwhile, Nik has turned into Mr Sprightly, and woke me up this morning by bouncing on the bed at 7.30 and saying cheerfully, 'I've just been for a 6-mile run!! I've been up for an hour and it's a lovely day and now I'm going to go and pro-actively do lots of useful things!!'

In fairness, it is a lovely day, but that's still no reason to be unneccessarily chirpy.

Still, this peculiar role-reversal has upset the balance of forces in the universe. I find it deeply unsettling to be the one who goes to sleep first and gets up second. Hmmm.

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