Thursday, December 04, 2008

Yet more sexism in the media...

I feel like such a humourless feminist banging on about this all the time, but it annoys me soooo much I'm going to anyway!

The headline is 'Mother guilty over Shannon kidnap' and the article begins 'Karen Matthews, the mother of nine-year-old Shannon, has been convicted of kidnapping her own daughter'. The first line of the main text body is 'Matthews, 33, and her co-accused Michael Donovan, 40, were found guilty of kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice'. [my bold] So they were both found guilty then?? But who do they focus on??

It's like that bizarre case of the canoeist who disappeared and turned up again - by all accounts the husband and wife were in it together, but when they were both found guilty, it was her whose actions were described as 'despicable'.


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