Friday, December 19, 2008


Oh, dear, apparently I was wrong and 'The 12 Days of Christmas' is not a coded reference to symbols of the Christian faith. That'll teach me to try to impress my fellow diners before checking my facts.

Ah well.

I wonder if this was a (post-)Victorian fiction designed to make people believe that there was some deep spiritual significance to all the feasting and revelling, when actually Christmas has always been about booze and dancing.

May you all have an intellectually honest Christmas!

Right, I have shedloads to do today (I even made a list) and it's 11.10 and I'm still in my pyjamas. This is not a promising sign.


Gaelle 巧云 said...

I clearly remember being told that it was during an assembly at CNHS where we were then asked to volunteer to sing one line each.

Ring any XMas bells?

Hamster said...

I have no recollection of that at all! Must've blocked it out...