Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The curse of Squeezyjet infects the railways

Oof, cheeky beggars! The glory that was the GNER East Coast mainline is now charging you for first class postage to send your tickets or even just to pick them up from the machines! Bet this is the corrupting influence of National Express - offer 'em cheap tickets, sucker 'em in, then whack on some extortionate charges for anything else you can think of and hope the punters are seduced by the advertising. Honestly, if I wanted to be treated like a battery chicken and pay for the privilege of being able to take a change of underwear, I'd have flown, or at least gone with Mr Branson, which is much the same (poor service, bright colours to try and distract you from it).

Bet they don't use the word 'alight' in their announcements any more, either.

What is the world coming to?


Anonymous said...

Nice post...:)..loved it!

Minko said...

very well written...:)..loved it.