Saturday, June 14, 2008

Barbara Kingsolver

Please ignore the previous self-indulgent screed.

Barbara Kingsolver is talented, successful, principled, happily married, a mother and a gardener. Hah! Found one! Please say 'Barbara Kingsolver' to me whenever I complain from now on. And, if you haven't already, go and read The Poisonwood Bible and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.

It has nothing to do with suburbia, feminism, the education system or the corporate world. I just need to sodding get on and do something. Argh, why is sitting in the sun talking about myself so much more appealing than weeding?


Incidentally, I think Barthes should be taught in primary school. I'm soooo sick of people using silly arguments like, 'Well, what if the writer didn't want you to think that? What if s/he just wrote it?' as an argument for the worthlessness of the entire practice of teaching literature. BOLLOCKS! Please, someone tell them about the death of the author.

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