Friday, May 11, 2007

She wants to have my babies!!

Just got this email, which amused me no end!

Hello, gentleman

I want you to know that I had different relations with different men. I have
not got married one time, I decided that it was true love, but it was fatal
mistake of my life.
You may imagine how my heart is broken and it has painful scars. But
nevertheless I don't give up and I continue looking for my love, happiness.
I understood that I could not find it there, in my native country, in
Ukraine. I had too much disappointments here. That is why I put a full stop
at the attempts to build love in Ukraine. I feel lonely among thousands of
I don't have native soul which would want to create family with me, give
birth to children, to build our home. So, I can't be happy in Ukraine,
although it is my native land.
I think that happiness will present me its smile abroad where I will find a
good, descent man who will share my interests and desire to create family.
You do were the first who attracted my attention and rose my interest. You
have something special if I decided to write you.
I hope that after reading my letter, you will be interested to get
acquainted with me too and write me here

Looking forward to get a letter from you


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