Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Crazy finalist alert!

So, there I was, obscenely early for my tute as per usual and sitting by the water cooler in the linguistics faculty, listening to these two Chinese students talking. (As in students of Chinese, rather than students of Chinese nationality, but that's a different crazy finalist story.) I could tell they were first years because they both looked very clean. And because they were so idealistic and enthusiastic. They were talking about how many Chinese characters they had (about 1000) and about a book one of them had ordered to read over the summer. Then a girl walked in, who looked about 15, with an immaculate tan and a short white skirt, followed by her friend, who then bragged about how she'd only had 2 hours' sleep. The girl in the white skirt said something like, 'Yeah, I was going to go clubbing, but I was too drunk to walk' and the boys said they'd gone to Portmeadow 'but it was full of drunk hippies sitting round a bonfire'.

'Wow,' I thought, 'what interesting lives they must all lead.'

Then I remembered it was May Day.

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