Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tip of the week!

Here's Granny Hannah's tip of the week... Descale your kettles, people!

In a fit of boredom I looked inside my kettle last night, realised how mingy it actually was, and asked google how best to rectify this state of affairs. It was really very simple, and has drastically improved the speed at which I can make tea or coffee! All you do is:
  • Boil 500ml of water in your kettle.
  • Squeeze a lemon. Pour the juice into the boiled water.
  • Let it sit for 15 mins.
  • Pour it away and rinse the kettle several times.
  • Sit back and enjoy the sense of achievement and the speedy hot beverages.
Also, if anyone can tell me when exactly I started looking forward to mundane household tasks as a break from work, I'd be much obliged. Roll on Friday lunchtime!

1 975 words, free to good home....

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