Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Lost Earl Grey - distraught.

Me: Hello! How are you?

Aged relative: Fine, thank you. How are you?

Me: Fine. Has Daddy arrived at your house yet?

Aged relative: Not yet. He rang to say he'd be late. We're expecting him any minute.

Me: Okay... [slowly] It's just that he said that he and Grandpa would either get here around 4 so we can meet before choir practice, or come straight to evensong at 6.30. I don't mind either way but I'd just like to know.

Aged relative: Right. What time is evensong?

Me: 6.30.

Aged relative: So it'll finish around 7.30.

Me: Usually around 7.

Aged relative: I see.


Aged relative: But you have a practice, don't you?

Me: Yes.

Aged relative: What time?

Me: 5.

Aged relative: So if they're coming before evensong, they'll need to get there about 4.

Me: Yes.

Aged relative: So maybe they'd better come at 6.30.

Me: Maybe.

Aged relative: Do you know which they're going to do?

Me: No...

[Sounds of me banging my head against the wall in frustration.]

Me: Do you think you could ask Daddy to ring me when he gets to yours, please?

Aged relative: Yes, of course. What on?

Me: Err, my phone. He'll have the number.

Aged relative: Okay. What do you want him to tell you?


I probably shouldn't mock the elderly, but my Granny is otherwise perfectly mentally sound and has always been like this to some extent.

I have made about 2.5l of butternut squash soup, dyeing parts of the kitchen orange (sorry).

I want these shoes.

My teapot arrives in a few hours.

I have mislaid the box of Earl Grey I'm convinced I had last term.

Sally gave Sybil a good trim and she looks much healthier now. I might get some coriander, mint and/or chives to keep her company on my windowsill.

I know what I'm going to write about for my seminar tomorrow.

I woke up at a sensible time this morning. I would have got in the shower during Thought for the Day as I usually did last term, but they were talking to Sebastian Faulks about WW1 veterans afterwards so I had a little more of a doze and listened to that, as I'm sure it counts as work. Though he didn't say anything massively insightful. The recordings of the veterans were more interesting. There are only 4 surviving WW1 veterans alive today. Which, given as they must be over 100, is pretty amazing.

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