Thursday, June 01, 2006

"It's three o'clock and I'm confused"

The ethernet cable is evil. It is making me update every day. I am turning into an egocentric geek. Help.

I had a to-do list for this afternoon. It went like this:
  • eat lunch
  • put Suba's number in my phone
  • uninstall Spider Solitaire from my laptop
  • plan lesson on daily routines
  • plan lesson on something else
  • research Windsor Castle
  • pump up bike tyres
Needless to say, by four o'clock (argh, have now started writing times out in full, have been planning for so long), only the first two items had been completed.

I have been prevailed upon to go to Windsor Castle with the Italians tomorrow afternoon. From the sound of it I'll have to do very little and get paid £25 for it, and it stops me annoying Phil by hanging around Botley Road all afternoon. I stopped to share the good news with my students on the way out and was rather confused when one of them asked me if I had an Italian boyfriend. I said no, which is true, but in by baffled state, I forgot that this in itself didn't preclude the existence of a boyfriend of any other nationality, and that rather vital piece of information was lost in translation so she then proceeded to try and set me up with her son... Every day this week has been mad. I wonder if the entire rest of the summer will be equally exciting.

After I got home, I then went to Cowley Road, repeating in my head the mantra, 'I am going to Tesco for salad dressing and NOTHING ELSE, I will buy ONLY salad dressing...' I should have also included, 'I am going to Oxfam for Fairtrade tea and NOTHING ELSE, I will NOT buy any shoes, books or birthday cards...'


Right, I'm now going to add 'eat dinner' and 'go to pub' to my to-do list, so I'll have a chance of crossing off at least two more things before midnight.

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