Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ow. My throat hurts. And my mother dragged me off my sickbed yesterday to take me to the emergency Saturday surgery... which has been closed since Autumn 2004... So then I got a lecture on what the modern world is coming to all the way to, erm, Morrison's. Because supermarkets are not one of the scourges of our age.

And, I really need a job (though the boy did cheer me up immensely by reminding me that I would get a student loan this term... I'm not sure why that particular piece of information had escaped me...) and I think my French phone may be trying to tell me I have messages, which may be from some of the 400 language schools in Lyon who I sent my CV to last week, but when I called the voicemail number, it wouldn't let me listen.

And Ryanair have draconian baggage policies, which mings.

That is all. Thankyou and Happy Easter.

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