Friday, April 21, 2006


Am now in Lyon, using my housemate's computer, as mine won't connect to the internet, which, as well as all the usual a/q, z/w confusion, has a particularly sensitive mouse, that I keep accidentally touching, that then sends whatever I'm typing to a completely different place on the screen. Grr.

Still, technical difficulties notwithstanding, Lyon is lovely. I've been here three days, and they've all been gorgeously sunny, and my housemates are lovely (though they know each other very well, which is slightly intimidating, and also the toilet is full of pictures of half naked people - men on one side, for those sitting down, and women on the other, for those standing up). Yesterday, they invited me to a barbecue at their university, which was great fun - everyone there was an engineer, so there was much excitement about building the wee toys in Kinder eggs.

Aside from that, I've just been looking for a job, which, once it became clear none of the language schools were particularly interested, has involved wandering around posting notices in any supermarket that will let me. I also signed up to various tutoring agencies online, so hopefully this will be more fruitful.

And soon I have to open a bank account, which quite frankly terrifies me.

I can also have people to stay whenever I want, so anyone who fancies a jaunt down to Lyon is very welcome.

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