Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stuff wot I've done

Have just received a leaflet about swine flu from the government. I wonder if their advice to 'set up a network of "flu friends"', taken out of context, could be counter-productive.

I have also been reading many interesting books which I splurged on last week on the (middlingly spurious) basis that they were course-related, i.e. not set texts but the sorts of things that would turn me into a well-read person. On the plus side I have learnt an awful lot of exciting things about beer and class and urbanisation in the Victorian era. On the other hand, my dreams of having a smallholding have been more or less crushed. Boo. I wanted pigs and an orchard.

I went to a farm in Devon to learn how to make wine and ate lots and lots of yummy things. I also went to a fab, myth-busting talk about the Special Period in Cuba - yes, they were all growing organic vegetales and yes this probably kept people alive, but most agriculture still used pesticides and was very intensive.

Once I've written up these minutes for work, I've finished helping oil companies sack people for the forseeable future. Huzzah.

The allotment is also shaping up and soon I am going to plant some peas out in it. Yay! Peas! Nik has been heroic doing Heavy Lifting and Ferrying of Things to the Tip on the allotment while I am floored by a mysterious fatigue. I don't know if it's physical or psychological, but I had 11 hours' sleep on Friday night and woke up feeling like a normal person again. I then slept badly on Sunday and now feel like a rubbish person again. Boo. This has been going on, on and off, since February and is probably Not Healthy. Unfortunately my doctor is on holiday and I can't get an appointment until 2nd June. Boo.

Anyway. Lunch.

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