Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Well whaddya know...

Apparently I 'lack [...] a sense of humour (citation needed)'.

Dear lord... Go to the main article on feminism, if you dare. It starts by essentially saying that the suffragettes were more-or-less okay because they were 'predominantly pro-life' and, y'know, wanting to vote is probably just about acceptable, then starts blathering about co-ed submarines and then cherry-picks loads of all-sex-is-rape quotes to illustrate that all feminists are man-hating, bra-burning weirdos.

On 'pro-choice':

The "pro-choice" position in the abortion debate maintains that the decision to give birth is entirely a personal one for the mother, literally a "matter of choice" with no one else, including the father or child, having a say. A doctor may advise, but only in a limited capacity. He ought not try to influence the pregnant woman, even if she's just a girl. He should not inform her about the long-term medical harms of the operation, or the emotional or social consequences, but simply let her make up her own mind. Advocates justify this position with the materialistic idea that a human being does not exist until after his complete birth (see partial-birth abortion).
(my emphasis)
And at the bottom: 'Categories: abortion, deceit.'

Also, 'The atheistic worldview has a variety of effects on individuals and society at large...'

On Barack Obama: 'Obama used his Muslim middle name when sworn in as president and chose not to use the Bible for his real, private oath. Elected by claiming he's a Christian, Obama has since avoided attending church on Christmas and Sundays.' Really? I thought Obama was elected by, mainly, winning the election... 'Obama refers to America in the third person, as a foreigner would.' (As a linguistics geek, this is interesting - do they mean, 'that is what a foreigner would do and, since he is a foreigner, he does this,' or, 'if he were a foreigner, which he is not, that is what he would do'?)

Oh, oh, I could go on, but it's too painful. Please someone tell me this is a piss-take...

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