Friday, January 23, 2009

More body issues...

Unfortunately since I've bought underwear that actually fits, some of my clothes fit differently and don't look good, and this, unfortunately, includes all of my formalwear. Bearing in mind that I have no money and common sense suggests purchase of new dress and/or new underwear is unwise, and also that there will be dancing, should I:

a) concoct some cunning arrangement involving double-sided tape and resign myself to having to keep adjusting my clothes all of tomorrow evening and realise that once I'm on the outside of my complementary 1/2 bottle of wine I won't really care;
b) wear something rather frumpy;
c) scour the south-east for new underwear or clothing, expense be damned?

Tbh, if this is the shape of things to come, the last option might not be such a bad idea as at some point in my life I will need to reconcile my underwear and evening wardrobe, but I should wait until at least next month. Also I cannot face the prospect of purchasing under pressure, as I spent more of last week in shopping centres than I would like and want to spend tomorrow on the allotment.

I have been wondering why I so frequently blog about this. I think it must be because I no longer live with other women and Nik's response to any angst over this is, categorically, that he thinks I'm gorgeous so it doesn't matter. This is quite sweet, but not particularly nuanced, leaving me with the impression that he thinks it's all silly, and I don't think he's fully appreciated that, really, dressing up has more to do with female bonding and/or bitchiness than being attractive to men (and that's over and above just liking playing around with colours and fabrics and celebrating your body for your own sake).

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