Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello again

I've just taken delivery of a swish new curvy, RSI-busting keyboard so I can now do non-essential typing with a clear conscience and working wrists. I might, therefore, start blogging again in moderation.

Today it is raining and I get 15 minutes grace on starting work because I'm recording something and can't work on other audio at the same time. I would go out and plant some more seeds, but it's raining. Instead I shall drink tea, read the Guardian and knit my cardigan. It's getting pretty big now.

Yesterday I got a new bike off Freecycle. Bit of a struggle to get it in the back of Nik's car and it needs a clean, but my word, it's exciting to have a bike with gears that work and that won't get laughed at when I take it in for repair.

Hmmm. What else is interesting? I made a nice frittata at the weekend with . My sewing machine is now working and I made a cushion cover on it. Nik's mum is moving, so we're going down at the weekend to help shift all the stuff Nik has in her loft out of it and into our loft.

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