Sunday, November 11, 2007

So, to summarise the last month

Gaaaah, sorry, have been absolutely terrible at updating recently. Apologies.

Well, to summarise the last month...

The house is very cold. I've been running round it periodically doing crazy energy-saving measures. We have tinfoil behind the radiators, scrunched up newspaper up the chimney, a draught-excluder lying in wait ready to trip over anyone who comes in the door...

Employment prospects are looking better. With any luck (assuming I haven't screwed up the test!) I should be doing some freelance report-writing, transcripts and possibly translation, and eventually might get to be official translation hander-outer-er. But let's not get carried away. This is, incidentally, all thanks to my cousin. Nepotism and telecommuting, that's what we like! I now have to tidy the study, but this is preferable to working in an ethically questionable organisation as I thought I'd otherwise have to.

Wokingham has gone down in my estimation. Previously, I used say in a rather droll, slightly tongue-in-cheek fashion, 'oh, the only thing it has going for it is the salsa dancing classes'. They've recently moved the salsa dancing classes to Twyford, and I've decided I want to move to London, so perhaps the was something in it.

Meh. I want to live in the middle of London or the middle of nowhere. Suburbia sucks.

Foodie project goes well. Have been talking to some very helpful and some rather obstreperous catering managers, and very much enjoying working in an office where people talk about things like the Soil Assoc report on imported organic food, and where there are 400 varieties of coffee in the fridge!

Am also becoming even more middle aged. Spent ages on Wednesday trying to tidy the garden up, as it was covered in weeds and depressing me. Looking much clearer now, but I did manage to lock myself out of the house without any shoes on. Oops.

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