Friday, July 10, 2009


My slightly slapdash blogging means I have no idea who, if anyone, still reads this, but I'm thinking of moving to a new blog - not least because wordpress is just better, but also for various other reasons I'll explain when I get there. So, if you are reading this and would like to carry on doing so, please drop me an email (or otherwise let me know) and I'll keep you posted.

I have spent my Friday night unravelling the world's biggest knot.


Thursday, July 02, 2009

List time

Here is a short list of things it is currently TOO HOT to do:
  • eat anything more substantial than a salad
  • sleep
  • go on the tube
  • go on buses
  • walk home
  • run after ice cream vans
  • menstruate
  • touch the mouse pad on my laptop
  • shout at Vodafone.