Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Historical flu precautions

On last night's Case Notes, they looked at some coverage of the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic. Not only did the newspaper report encourage people to keep reasonably calm and not worry too much, in sharp contrast to today, the following "practical precautions by a medical correspondent" were offered:

  • Keep a stout heart. Don't expect to fall sick.
  • Eat as well as possible. Drink half a bottle of light wine or a glass of port at dinner.
  • Take a hot bath each evening on returning from work.
  • Smoke in moderation.
  • If there is any tendency to sore throat, consult a doctor at once.
How times change....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mild-to-moderate angst

Aargh, I'm doing that thing again, where it would have been perfectly possible for me to complete all the things I am supposed to do before going out but, because I am anxious about the social situation in question, I procrastinate so I can then say, 'Oh, I haven't finished my work... can't go out/come camping... sorry...'

I don't want to give in to my conniving subconscious by allowing myself to ring and cancel, especially as I probably would regret it, but on the other hand I do need to do my work. And, because I wish to spite the Sleazy Bastard by writing watertight minutes that record the hearing accurately but yet make it clear I think both he and his behaviour are/were despicable, I also want to do it well.


Also, I've rashly committed/been hustled by circumstances into committing to get married on 10th April next year. I am very fond of this time of year, and so this decision was bolstered by a glorious gardening-filled day on Monday, but now it is grim and pissing it down and I'm tempted to totally screw Nik's family's plans up and ask my parents to un-book the church by defaulting to the summer. Someone remind me this could equally happen in July and it's not the end of the world if it rains anyway.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009



The world is crap, misogynistic, and crap.

I have drunk 3/4 of a bottle of rosé and overused the word ire.

That is all.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Scratch the whining, week got better

Okay, aside from the tea thing and the still-having-no-money thing, my week has actually dramatically improved. Not only has one of my deadlines been extended, but, thanks to a felicitous and somewhat unlikely combination of incompetent bankers and violent protesters, both the meetings I was supposed to attend tomorrow have been cancelled. Hurrah. So not only do I have to work like stink today to get my other work done today, I also don't have to get up at stupid o'clock tomorrow.