Monday, October 08, 2007


Ooh, how scary. There's just been what sounds like an air raid siren going off. I wondered if it was the four-minute warning, and was briefly confronted with the terrifying possibility that I might die, unemployed, playing spider solitaire in my pyjamas at 10 o'clock.

So, yes, the summer was fun, Portugal was fun, the house is nice and now mostly furnished, and I'm still unemployed. I did work briefly as a battery chicken, but then had a spectacular bout of career indecision, burnt my boats (it was boring as hell, but at least it paid), subsequently decided I didn't want to be a speech therapist after all, but have ended up working (sporadically) with people with learning disabilities in order to become one, which doesn't pay well and isn't very regular, and nobody else wants to employ me.


There's a few things I'm waiting to hear about, though, and I have a very exciting internship, so it's not all doom and gloom. I just feel like I've moved to some provincial backwater to sponge off my boyfriend, which defies all my feminist principles. It's also rather depressing not knowing anyone or having anything to do a lot of the time. Meh.

Ah well. Am keeping myself occupied baking and cross stitching and stuff, which I'll doubtless miss tremendously as soon as I am working. Anyway, I have to go and collect a drill from someone so I can continue with my plan to grow spinach in a box, so I shall have to leave this here. Probably just as well, no-one wants to read my self-indulgent moaning!

Monday, October 01, 2007

"Nothing suppresses the exercise of conscience as effectively as the words, 'Buy one get one free'."

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall